This product includes software codes developed by third parties. These
software codes are subject to either the GNU General Public License (GPL),
Version 2, June 1991 or the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version
2.1, February 1999. You can copy, distribute, and/or modify in accordance with
the terms and conditions of GPL or LGPL.
The source code should be complete, if you think our need to provide any
additional source code files under GNU General Public License (GPL), please
contact us. We are committed to meeting the requirements of the GNU General
Public License (GPL) . You are welcome to contact us local office to get the
corresponding software and licenses. Please inform us your contact details and
the product code. We will send you a CD with the software and license for free.
Please refer to the GNU GPL Web site for further information.
NGS thanks you for your trust in purchasing this product.
This document provides all the necessary information for a correct setup and
data needed to fully enjoy your device.
Visit our website for further details
Before you starting to use this router, please check if there’s anything missing in
the package, and contact your dealer of purchase to claim for missing items:
1 Wireless-N repeater
1 RJ-45 networking cable
1 CD with software and user’s manual
If you need to reset the Domo Repeater, you need press and hold the reset
button inside the tiny hole for 10 seconds.
The Domo Repeater is a combined wired/wireless network connection device
designed specifically for small business, office, and home office networking
requirements. It allows a wireless network to be expanded using multiple access
points without the need for a wired backbone to link them. It also works well
with other 11b/g and 11n protocol wireless products.
Power indicator
Wireless indicator
WPS indicator
LAN indicator
WPS button
RJ-45 port