Unit Does Not Power-up
Power is not connected to the unit. With a
Digital VoltMeter, measure the voltage at
the input to the unit. A positive voltage
should be measured on the + terminal of
the unit when measuring between the +
terminal and the - terminal or chassis
ground. This voltage should also measure
12 VDC. Correct the wiring to assure the
correct polarity and the correct voltage
level. Check fuse.
Bad Ground connection. Make sure the ground is
connected directly to metal with no paint or residue. Use a
Digital Multimeter to test continuity to ground to ensure
good connection.
Unit Does Not Find
Cellular Service
The unit is not receiving the local cellular system. The main
cause of this is poor signal strength due to shielding or
coverage. Make sure the GSM (Orange) light is solid, move
the unit outside the building and or outside of vehicle if
necessary and re-apply power to the unit. Move vehicle to
acquire a better signal area if necessary. Contact tech support if
the problem persists.
Unit Does Not Receive a
GPS Signal
The GPS receiver is unable to lock into the satellites or
receive signal. Make sure GPS (Green) light is solid if not,
make sure that the unit’s label is facing skyward and that
there is no metal between it and the sky including but not
limited to the roof of the vehicle and any dash bracing. If it
is, the move the vehicle outside of or away from any
building/garage to allow the internal GPS antenna in the
unit to have a clear view of the sky. You may need to power
the unit outside of the vehicle as some vehicles may have
metallic or leaded windshields. Contact tech support if
the problem persists.
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