4. Repeat this process two more times, rotating the cardboard/cloth around until all three panels have
been isolated and tested.
5. Switch the positive voltmeter lead over to the 10A port and change the setting to measure DC
6. Measuring again between Pin 2 (V+) and Pin 3 (GND), record the current output of each isolated
panel. The expected output for each size panel in full sun and in a horizontal orientation is listed
below. Note that the observed output will normally be somewhat lower due to the angle at which
each panel is mounted to the tower and atmospheric conditions.
a. CB-150 [10W] – between 0.37-0.46A
b. CB-250 [15W] – between 0.59-0.72A
c. CB-450 [15W] – between 0.59-0.72A
d. CB-650 [32W] – between 1.36-1.67A
e. CB-950 [46W] – between 2-2.4A
f. CB-1250 [71W] – between 2.59-3.17A
7. If one or more of the three panels show lower than expected voltage or current output, inspect the
surface of panel for visible damage.
Measuring DC Amperage on a CB-
450 tower panel.