Product Descrip�on:
The NexiGo B200 Video Baby Monitor is a two-way video monitor that
can be used in a wide variety of scenarios. With two way voice
capability you can both listen to your child sleeping as well as speak
directly to them when they wake up, perfect for those ultra late nights
when they just need to hear your voice. The B200 is sound ac�vated
so the moment your baby starts crying the monitor will kick on and let
you know and with included sound alerts it can let you know even if
you stepped out of your room for a minute.
The built-in camera has a night vision mode so even in total darkness
you can s�ll see what is going on in the room. With nine brightness
levels for the monitor you will never have the ''Bright Light'' effect
where you can't see what is there. And with features like temperature
monitoring, and zoom with pan and �lt op�ons, you can make sure
that everything is exactly the way you want in your childs room.
Finally, with built-in lullabies if you just are not able to get them to go
to sleep you can put on the music and leave the room so they are not
overs�mulated and monitor them from a distance. And with
programmable event reminders for feeding, diaper changing, etc, you
never have to worry about being too distracted to remember to do the
things. The Nexigo B200 is here to help your sleep-addled brain and to
make sure you always know exactly what is going on in your baby's
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