Sound Alert Mode:
If the camera picks up a noise in the room
that exceeds the threshold level that you set, the system will be
woken up and the monitor will turn back on automa�cally.
Alert Threshold:
Adjust the sound detec�on sensi�vity level of
the Camera unit. The higher the sensi�vity level is, the more likely
the Camera is to pick up so�er sounds and transmit them to the
Monitor. The sensi�vity bar will appear on the right-hand side of
the display to show the selected level.
Alert Func�on
Press the
on the Monitor to enter the
menu interface. Under the
tab you will find the
op�ons listed below:
Sound Alert:
The Baby Monitor will alert you
when a specific noise
level is detected by the
Camera. The sensi�vity bar will appear on the
right-hand side of the display to show the selected level. Please be
aware that ambient noise such as a passing car or loud animal may
cause false posi�ves.
High Temp Alert:
The Camera monitors room temperature with
its built-in temperature sensor. If the temperature increases above a
set value the Monitor will provide an alert and play an alarm tone.
The set value must be higher than the Low Temperature Alarm Value
that you set.
Low Temp Alert:
The Camera can also detect if the temperature
of the room is falling below a set value. If the detected temperature
falls below the set range the Monitor will provide an alert and play
an alarm tone. The set value must be lower than the High
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