Auto-Run Simulator
Auto-Run Simulator
will start the simulator executable as soon as the build is finished (if
one has been generated). Here, the user can test functionality of their display by using their mouse as if
it were their finger. You can pause, zoom, grid, and control the fps of the display. These features allow
for additional bug fixing, as well as cosmetic optimization.
Figures 2.1.3.c & d – An Example of Auto-Run Simulator
In addition to simulating the on-screen graphics, users can use a virtual CAN channel to test the
functionality of the display. Open Raptor-CAN and select the simulate tab, notice that the screen will be
blank at first. Next, choose the DBC file you want to simulate by selecting ‘Add DBC’. The messages from
the DBC file will appear, they can be expanded using the ‘+’ icon give the user access to individual signals.
To simulate the messages over the virtual CAN bus, press the play button next to the messages. From
here, the user can adjust the values by using the sliders or typing values in to the text fields on the right,
this will cause the data going into the display to change.