Doc #: 60-00118 Rev. A
Patient Information
Patient Search
The Patient Search screen allows searching for Patient Exam Records stored on the Lucid
™ M1
System. Patient Exam Records can be searched for using various fields:
First Name, Last Name
Patient ID/MRN
Date of Birth
Exams in the past (1, 7, 30 days)
Each field is active so that searches begin upon entry of data. For example, when typing in a
Patient’s First Name, the system will search on the first letter entered, then the second until entry
of the first name is complete. If no record is found, the system
will display “No Records Found.
Please change search parameters”.
The search fields can be corrected, and the search results will be updated automatically. To see
all listings in a field, simply delete all items entered in a field. For Gender, the Female or Male
buttons can be selected. To display both Female and Male Patient Exam Records, press the
selected button once more to clear the selection.
New Patient
To enter information for a New Patient, press the New button on the Patient Search screen. The
system will navigate to the Patient Setup screen. Enter the desired patient information. Note that
the fields with the red “*” must be filled out. Press Save/Next to continue.
Delete Patient
To Delete a Patient Exam Record select the Patient and press the Delete button. Press Yes to
confirm the deletion.
Please note that all Exam Records associated with the Patient will be
deleted, including all reports.