4. Operation
Power on/Turn on
Plug the R809A and power on, the device two indicators will flash once.
Power off
Unplug the R809A and it will power off
Network Joining
Never joined the network
Turn on the device to search the network to join.
The green indicator stays on: success
The green indicator remains off: fail
Had joined the network
Turn on the device to search the previous network to join.
The green indicator stays on: success
The green indicator remains off: fail
Fail to join the network
First two mins: every 15 seconds send a request to join the network.
After two mins: every 15 minutes to send request.
Note: Suggest to check the device verification information on the gateway
or consult your platform server provider.
Function Key
Restore to factory setting
Press and hold the factory restoring key for 5 seconds to restore to factory setting:
The green indicator will flash once at the fifth second, and release the button, the green indicator will
quickly flash for 10 times, and it would restore to factory setting.
Erase the electrical energy
Press and hold the factory restoring key for 10 seconds to clear the historical data of electrical energy:
The green indicator will flash once at the fifth second, and the second flash would be at the tenth
second. Release the button at this moment, the green indicator will quickly flash for 5 times, and it
would clear the historical electrical energy data.
Press the switch button
Control the relay switch on R809A for Toggle operation:
When R809A is on, the switch indicator is green
When R809A is off, the switch indicator is red