NET145LA/NET145CL User
’s Manual Rev1.0C
© 2004 NET GmbH. All rights reserved
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
The NET145LA or NET145CL are a 1.45 Mega pixel digital camera with an EIA-644 (
“LVDS”) or
CameraLink standard interface. The camera is a high resolution B/W progressive scan CCD camera.
The imager resolution is 1392 x 1040 pixels. All functions of the camera are adjusted via its digital and
serial interface. For this purpose, NET145LA/NET145CL provides a user-friendly RS-232C as external
port add to internal RS-232C, respectively.
It connects the camera ports with the serial port and frame grabber on the PC through customer
’s cable.
Camera control program runs under WIN2000 / XP and gives control over the camera functions. A serial
command is possible to fully control the camera functions using the windows hyper terminal
independently. For this purpose
a well-known terminal program or any appropriate program may be used
as well.
NET145LA/NET145CL has an exclusive built-in look-up table(LUT). This can be set at externally
selectable functions such as gain, offset, shutter speed and others through the RS-232C. Details
concerning the command cod
e can be found in the section “Serial Command”.
What is LVDS or Camera Link signal?
LVDS is a Low Voltage Differential Signaling device which extends the performance of the commonly used
RS-422 differential data bus. RS-422 limits the frequency to the 20 MHz range. However, LVDS clock
support is over 65MHz (66 MHz NSC, 65 MHz TI) and improves the signal transmission of cables with
10m to 30m lengths. It also reduces the EMI significantly. The LVDS device is now called RS-644 and is
pin-to-pin compatible with standard RS-422. If a frame grabber contains a RS-644 input, it can take both
RS-644 data and RS-422 data with extended cable length.
CameraLink standard is based on Channel Link Technology of National Semiconductor. Channel Link is
the standard and advanced concept of LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) technology for
transmitting digital data. Channel Link uses a parallel-to-serial transmitter and a serial-to-parallel receiver
to transmit data at rates up to 2.38 Gbps.
1.2 Features
” Progressive Scan and interline transfer CCD Imager
1392(H) x 1040(V) effective pixels
Supports Digital RS-644(LVDS) or Camera Link
Supports 15fps full pixel and high frame rate up to 60fps as effective 256 lines
Square pixel
High sensitive and low smear
Full frame shutter from 1/15 to 1/6,000 sec
Supports random shutter
S/N ratio 50 dB or better
Asynchronous reset with external shutter control
10-bit RS-644/LVDS digital output
RS-232 external control
1.3 Applications
Applications are machine vision, robotic control, inspection, character recognition, medical, biomedical
imaging, microscope, traffic control, surveillance, RFID and other scientific & industrial applications.