NEOX User manual - Edition 03-2016
The NEOX F8.11 gearbox is equipped with an automatic reset or “alignment” system
which is available to the user, which can be easily operated by means of two buttons
on the display.
All bicycles on the market may experience problems with their gear system: the chain
falling off, a branch or a stone entering the gear assembly or a gear change altering the
device or simple stretching or stabilizing of the cables.
These problems can be solved by the owner, if they are skilled, or by a qualified me-
chanic, equipped with gloves and proper tools.
The Neox transmission system can also suffer problems, due to a sudden jump, or incor-
rect operation by the user, that alters the alignment of the F8.11 gear system while not
compromising its use.
For the user, it will be very hard to detect any problems during use of intermediate
gears, if not when engaging the highest gear (gear 4 or 8 depending on the model):
Neox does not change to the gear chosen and shown on the display, but remains in the
lowest gear (Gear 1).
To reset the alignment takes 5 seconds!
Simply press and hold down the two up and down arrow keys on the display simulta-
neously for 3-4 seconds, shown in the figure.
The display will show 0 and you will hear the gearbox align.
In other words, Neox has adopted the same procedure for aligning and cleaning
printheads, the same 0 calibration procedure used with precision machine tools.