Nuvo-4000 Series User’s Manual
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PCI slots are located on the backplane of Nuvo-4000. Nuvo-4022 provides two PCI slots,
and Nuvo-4040 provides four PCI slots. These PCI slots support 5V, 32-bit/33MHz PCI bus
and can accommodate the PCI card with a maximal dimension of 205mm x 105mm (PCB
size, excluding connector). For information of installing PCI cards, please refer to section
3.4 for detail.
Due to the fanless feature, the total power consumption of installed PCI and PCIe cards should
be confined to 16W to limit the heat generated by add-on cards and maintain the system
stability. For applications need add-on cards with higher power consumption, the fan option is
suggested to maintain a reasonable temperature inside the chassis. Please contact Neousys
Technology for the fan option.
The operating temperature of the whole system when cards installed is affected by the power
consumption and operating temperature of add-on cards. Please consult your add-on card
dealer or Neousys Technology for further information.
2.3.7 PCI Express Slots (Nuvo-4022 Only)
Nuvo-4022 provides one x4 and one x16 PCI Express slot. As each PCI Express lane
delivers 500 MB/s bandwidth, its x4 PCI Express slot delivers 2 GB/s bandwidth and x16
slot delivers 4 GB/s bandwidth*. In addition, a dedicated 48W (4A@12V) power rail is
supplied to the x16 PCI Express slot for powering a high-watt PCIe card (e.g. a graphics
card). Another 48W (4A@12V) power rail is shared by x4 PCIe Express slot and other
peripheral devices.