the lock moves in the closing direction;
the lock arrives at stroke
Important note
. If, during the closing movement, the chain actuator stops
suddenly due to an overload or mechanical sticking, this state is
interpreted as a "closing
closure, even if the sash is not effectively closed.
Sound diagnostics in case of anomaly
1 Beep
The lock is set in "with actuator" mode but does not receive any
commands from the actuator.
- The lock does not move because it didn't receive the command.
- Check the contact of wire "3" of the lock and that
actuator is on ON.
4 Beeps The actuator (or actuators) are in error.
- The lock is ready for the command but the connected actuators are in error.
- Check the diagnostics of the actuators connected to the electromechanical
12. Checking for correct assembly
Check that the window is perfectly closed at corners and that there are no
obstacles caused by incorrect positioning during assembly.
Check that when the window frame is closed the chain terminal is at least a few
millimetres away from the actuator body. This will ensure the window is properly
closed and seals are correctly compressed. In the event that this should not be
the case there is no guarantee that the window is closed correctly.
Check that hinges and support brackets
fixed against the window frame with screws fixed correctly into position.
Check that the window reaches the desired position according to the stroke
13. Emergency manoeuvres, maintenance or cleaning
In the event that the window frame should require manual opening due to power
failure or problem with the mechanism or for normal maintenance or external cleaning
of the window frame, in built-
1. Unscrew the two screws that fix the sash to the attachment bracket.
2. Take care during this operation since the bracket, which is in two pieces after
removing the screws, may fall as it is no longer secured.
3. Manually open the window frame.
the lock moves in the closing direction;
the lock arrives at stroke-end.
. If, during the closing movement, the chain actuator stops
suddenly due to an overload or mechanical sticking, this state is
interpreted as a "closing stroke-end" and thus the lock motor performs a
closure, even if the sash is not effectively closed.
Sound diagnostics in case of anomaly
The lock is set in "with actuator" mode but does not receive any
commands from the actuator.
The lock does not move because it didn't receive the command.
Check the contact of wire "3" of the lock and that dip
The actuator (or actuators) are in error.
The lock is ready for the command but the connected actuators are in error.
Check the diagnostics of the actuators connected to the electromechanical
cking for correct assembly
Check that the window is perfectly closed at corners and that there are no
obstacles caused by incorrect positioning during assembly.
Check that when the window frame is closed the chain terminal is at least a few
away from the actuator body. This will ensure the window is properly
closed and seals are correctly compressed. In the event that this should not be
the case there is no guarantee that the window is closed correctly.
Check that hinges and support brackets are aligned to each other and tightly
fixed against the window frame with screws fixed correctly into position.
Check that the window reaches the desired position according to the stroke
Emergency manoeuvres, maintenance or cleaning
ent that the window frame should require manual opening due to power
failure or problem with the mechanism or for normal maintenance or external cleaning
-in actuators it’s necessary to perform these operations:
o screws that fix the sash to the attachment bracket.
Take care during this operation since the bracket, which is in two pieces after
removing the screws, may fall as it is no longer secured.
Manually open the window frame.
. If, during the closing movement, the chain actuator stops
suddenly due to an overload or mechanical sticking, this state is
" and thus the lock motor performs a
The lock is set in "with actuator" mode but does not receive any
The lock does not move because it didn't receive the command.
dip-switch No. 2 of the
The lock is ready for the command but the connected actuators are in error.
Check the diagnostics of the actuators connected to the electromechanical
Check that the window is perfectly closed at corners and that there are no
Check that when the window frame is closed the chain terminal is at least a few
away from the actuator body. This will ensure the window is properly
closed and seals are correctly compressed. In the event that this should not be
the case there is no guarantee that the window is closed correctly.
are aligned to each other and tightly
fixed against the window frame with screws fixed correctly into position.
Check that the window reaches the desired position according to the stroke-end
Emergency manoeuvres, maintenance or cleaning
ent that the window frame should require manual opening due to power
failure or problem with the mechanism or for normal maintenance or external cleaning
in actuators it’s necessary to perform these operations:
o screws that fix the sash to the attachment bracket.
Take care during this operation since the bracket, which is in two pieces after
held in position by the chain.
4. After maintenance and/or cleaning repeat points 1 and 2 in reverse order.
14. Troubleshooting
Possible causes of malfunction during installation or use.
Actuator does not work
All materials used in the manufacture of this appliance are recyclable.
We recommend that the device itself, and any accessories, packaging, etc. be sent
to a centre for ecological recycling as established from laws in force on recycling.
The device is mainly made from the following materials: aluminium, zinc, iron, plastic
of various type, cuprum. Dispose materials in conformity with local regulations about
The manufacturer will guarantee good function of the appliance. T
shall undertake to replace defective parts due to poor quality materials or
manufacturing defects in accordance with article 1490 of the Civil Code.
The guarantee covers products and individual parts for
purchase. The latter is valid as long as the purchaser possesses proof of purchase
and completion of all agreed conditions of payment.
Guarantee of good function of appliances agreed by the manufacturer implies that
the latter undertakes to repair or replace free of charge and in the shortest period
possible any parts that break while under warranty.
The purchaser is not entitled to any reimbursement for eventual direct or indirect
damage or other expenses incurred. Attempt to repair by pe
the manufacture shall render the warranty null and invalid.
The warranty does not cover fragile parts or parts subject to natural wear and tear or
corrosion, overload, however temporary etc. The manufacturer will accept no
responsibility for eventual damage incurred by erroneous assembly, manoeuvre or
insertion, excessive stress or inexpert use.
Repairs performed under guarantee are always "
Respective transport expenses (out/back) are the responsibil
– the window could fall as the sash is no longer
held in position by the chain.
After maintenance and/or cleaning repeat points 1 and 2 in reverse order.
Possible causes of malfunction during installation or use.
Possible cause
No electricity at feeder
Check status of circuit
breaker or safety switch
Cable not connected
or wire disconnected.
Check electrical
connections at reduction
All materials used in the manufacture of this appliance are recyclable.
We recommend that the device itself, and any accessories, packaging, etc. be sent
to a centre for ecological recycling as established from laws in force on recycling.
inly made from the following materials: aluminium, zinc, iron, plastic
of various type, cuprum. Dispose materials in conformity with local regulations about
The manufacturer will guarantee good function of the appliance. T
shall undertake to replace defective parts due to poor quality materials or
manufacturing defects in accordance with article 1490 of the Civil Code.
The guarantee covers products and individual parts for
2 years
purchase. The latter is valid as long as the purchaser possesses proof of purchase
and completion of all agreed conditions of payment.
Guarantee of good function of appliances agreed by the manufacturer implies that
to repair or replace free of charge and in the shortest period
possible any parts that break while under warranty.
The purchaser is not entitled to any reimbursement for eventual direct or indirect
damage or other expenses incurred. Attempt to repair by personnel unauthorised by
the manufacture shall render the warranty null and invalid.
The warranty does not cover fragile parts or parts subject to natural wear and tear or
corrosion, overload, however temporary etc. The manufacturer will accept no
bility for eventual damage incurred by erroneous assembly, manoeuvre or
insertion, excessive stress or inexpert use.
Repairs performed under guarantee are always "
ex factory of the manufacturer
Respective transport expenses (out/back) are the responsibility of the purchaser.
could fall as the sash is no longer
After maintenance and/or cleaning repeat points 1 and 2 in reverse order.
Check status of circuit
breaker or safety switch
Check electrical
connections at reduction
All materials used in the manufacture of this appliance are recyclable.
We recommend that the device itself, and any accessories, packaging, etc. be sent
to a centre for ecological recycling as established from laws in force on recycling.
inly made from the following materials: aluminium, zinc, iron, plastic
of various type, cuprum. Dispose materials in conformity with local regulations about
The manufacturer will guarantee good function of the appliance. The manufacturer
shall undertake to replace defective parts due to poor quality materials or
manufacturing defects in accordance with article 1490 of the Civil Code.
2 years
from the date of
purchase. The latter is valid as long as the purchaser possesses proof of purchase
Guarantee of good function of appliances agreed by the manufacturer implies that
to repair or replace free of charge and in the shortest period
The purchaser is not entitled to any reimbursement for eventual direct or indirect
rsonnel unauthorised by
The warranty does not cover fragile parts or parts subject to natural wear and tear or
corrosion, overload, however temporary etc. The manufacturer will accept no
bility for eventual damage incurred by erroneous assembly, manoeuvre or
ex factory of the manufacturer
ity of the purchaser.