Chapter 2 Message List
iSM06048: POP address or port number error
[Classification] WARNING
It indicates that the specified POP address or the port number specified in
POP_PORT is incorrect.
Specify POP by the DNS name of IP address of the POP server and POP_PORT
by the port number of the POP server.
iSM06050: Shell file does not exist. file=<
[Classification] WARNING
It indicates that shell file does not exist.
aaa...a :
A shell file (shell file specified in message driven definition file on UNIX system,
or shell file specified in link information of environment settings on Windows
system) must be created in advance for preparation.
iSM06051: Shell file is not executable.
[Classification] WARNING
It indicates that shell file cannot be executed.
aaa...a :
A shell file (shell file specified in message driven definition file on UNIX system,
or shell file specified in link information of environment settings on Windows
system) does not have the execution authority. The shell file must be
authorized to be executed as a shell.