Chapter 2 Message List
iSMprfarc: 105 Can’t input multi-level file
Statistic information history files and statistic information primary summarized
files cannot be mixed.
Specify either statistic information history files or statistic information primary
summarized files.
iSMprfarc: 106 Out of range -- <
The specified target period of summarizing is erroneous. Any periods prior to
1970 or in the future cannot be specified.
: Specified target period of summarizing
Specify the correct target period of summarizing.
iSMprfarc: 107 Can’t find target file
The specified directory does not contain the statistic info files corresponding to
the target period of summarizing.
Specify a correct directory or target period of summarizing.
iSMprfarc: 108 No more archiving -- <
[Explanation] Statistic
information secondary summarized files cannot be summarized.
: Name of the specified file
Specify either statistic information history files or statistic information primary
summarized files.
iSMprfarc: 109 Can’t allocate memory
Sufficient memory to perform summarizing process cannot be reserved.
Remove the cause of insufficient memory, or check whether the specified
statistic info file is damaged or not.