Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment A-13
Checking You
Is your work area set up to promote a natural and
relaxing working position with frequently used work
items within close reach?
Do you take frequent short breaks?
Do you stretch and walk during your breaks?
Do you vary your tasks during the day?
Do you have regular eye checkups?
Do you contact your doctor if you feel any sustained
For more information on workstation setup, see the American
National Standard for Human Factors Engineering of Visual
Display Terminal Workstations. ANSI/HFS Standard No.
100-1988. The Human Factors Society, Inc., P.O. Box
1369, Santa Monica, California 90406
This appendix was prepared in consultation with Dr. David
Rempel of the University of California/San Francisco
Ergonomics Program and Mr. M.F. Schneider of
HUMANTECH, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan.