Confirm the
“Cache Mode Setting
“Auto Switch” by following
(1) Click. The Logical Drive that
information is to be seen on
the Tree View.
(2) Click [Properties] on the
pull-down menu of menu item
(3) There are [General] and [Option] tabs in [Logical Drive Properties] dialog box
contains. Choose the [Option] tab.
Auto Switch: Switches the mode automatically between Write Back and Write
Through depending on the existence and/or status of battery.
When you connect the BBU after creation the Logical Drive, it may be displayed with
“Write Though”. If you need, you can select “Auto Switch”
Choose the [General] tab in the Logical Drive # Properties.
Confirm the value of
“Cache Mode
” is “Write Back”.
Under fully discharged conditions, there are cases where Universal RAID Utility
does not recognize the BBU. In this case, you wait to energize the BBU with
electricity for at least 30 minutes. Afterwards, reboot the system and re-check the
BBU by Universal RAID Utility.
If the BBU was fully discharge, you takes about 12 hours for charge completion.
Battery Refresh sometimes starts when connecting a new BBU. A RAID controller
runs in write through mode until Battery Refresh completion. In this case, re-check
the BBU status approximately 12 hours later.
For details of the Write Policy, refer to the User
’s Guide of the RAID controller or
Universal RAID Utility User
’s Guide (online document in the CD-ROM coming with
the RAID controller).