L230/L130 User Manual
The "Licensee information" tree item shows the information entered during the
registration process.
The "System Settings" tree item shows the following settings for the vSpace software.
Double-clicking on the name of the setting allows you to adjust it (unless it is read-only,
which is specified below).
Maximum number of stations (incl. Host)
: Displays the maximum number of
sessions the vSpace software is configured to support. This number includes the
host PC. This setting is read-only.
Current number of sessions
: Displays the number of active sessions. This
setting is read-only.
This machine
: Displays the name of the host PC. This setting is read-only.
This user
: Displays the currently logged-
in user’s username. This setting is read-
System uptime
: Displays how long the host computer has been logged on. This
setting is read-only.
Main Station AutoLogon
: Displays whether or not the host PC is set to
automatically logon at boot-up.