Problems Caused by Faulty Hardware
NCD terminals have four major components: base, monitor, keyboard,
and mouse. If found to be faulty, the base and/or monitor must be
returned for repair. The mouse and/or keyboard are replaceable.
Isolating Faulty Components
One of the best ways of tracking down hardware problems is to swap
components among compatible terminals. Swapping components lets
you determine which component is faulty.
For example, if a keyboard appears to be faulty, turn off the terminal,
disconnect the keyboard, and connect a keyboard from another NCD
terminal. If the second keyboard works, you know that the problem is
with the first keyboard and not with another component, such as the
keyboard controller in the base.
Mouse Troubleshooting
Most mouse problems are caused by a dirty mouseball or a loose
connection between the mouse cable and the base. If you have
problems using your mouse:
1. Check the mouse cable connector. Make sure it is firmly connected
to the base’s mouse connector.
2. Turn the mouse upside down and remove the ball. Clean the ball
and its socket, and reassemble the mouse.
3. Clean your mouse pad or the area of the desk where your mouse
Monitor Troubleshooting
Generally, if the monitor is out of focus, too bright, or too dark, adjust
the monitor’s brightness and contrast knobs. Each monitor model has
its own set of controls. Check the monitor operating booklet for more
information about your monitor.
Base Troubleshooting
A flashing power indicator indicates there is a hardware problem in
the base.
If you find you must return a base for repair, send it in the same
configuration as when it failed.
In Case of Trouble
If you encounter difficulties, you can send e-mail or a FAX to NCD
Technical Support or contact them by phone.
For information on services available from NCD Technical Support,
contact your NCD representative or send mail to [email protected].