Version 29.11.2022
HW: BOT(V43)(V54)
Audio insertion
This interface can only insert video signals into the factory infotainment. If an AV source is
connected, the audio insertion has to be performed by a factory aux input or an FM
modulator. The inserted video-signal can be activated simultaneously to each audio-mode of
the factory infotainment.
If 2 AV-sources shall be connected to the infotainment, for audio switching an additional
electronic part is required.
After-market rear-view camera
Some vehicles have a different reverse gear code on the CAN-bus which the video-interface
is not compatible with. Therefore, there are two different ways of installation. If the video
interface receives a signal of the reverse gear, the green wire
of the 20pin
cable should carry +12V while the reverse gear is engaged.
Note: Do not forget to set dip5 of the video-interface to ON before testing.
Case 1: Video interface receives the reverse gear signal
If the CAN-bus interface c12V on the green wire
of the 20pin cable
when reverse gear is engaged, it will also automatically be switched to the rear-view camera
„V4 Reverse“
while reverse gear is engaged.
The 12 V power supply for the rear-view camera (max 3A) has to be taken from the
green wire
of the 20pin cable to avoid an unnecessary, permanent
power supply to the camera electronic.