MUP − Edit Page
Template Area
The template comprises the following information:
and the
are displayed in green if normal; in red if abnormal: and in black if there are no reference
values available.
The number of discharges
At the bottom of each box the firing pattern is shown by small “sticks”.
Editing the Template
Each active template displays a MUP with two markers. The markers can be Moved and the change is reflected in the Raster Window.
Averaging and Merging two Templates
In the bottom of the active template there is a firing pattern. To perform an average of the two templates’ signals and a merge of
the firing pattern, simply click and drag the “sticks” pattern to another template.
Deleting a Template
to delete the template. The template is marked with a red cross.
Raster Window
The raster window displays all the single MUPs from the selected template.
Right-click in the window to turn the feature of superimpose on and off. Clicking a signal in the raster window toggles the signal on and off.