V. ALGO 3i Screening Procedure
3i Newborn Hearing Screener IFU 024913 RevD Revision Date 08/05/2020
BLUE transducer is for the baby’s Left ear.
Ensure that the transducer is in the front, i.e., towards the baby’s face. This ensures
that the clicks are directed into the infant’s ear and will speed the test time.
Avoid placing the earphones over hair, if possible.
Be sure that the entire ear is enclosed within the earphone.
Gently press the adhesive ring to ensure a good seal around the ear.
Ensure that both cables lay in the same direction.
Never apply pressure to the ear canal or to the tragus, the area in front of the ear
opening. Never insert the earphone cable directly into an ear.
The presence of excessive amounts of earwax or vernix may occur normally in infants
within the first day of life. The outer ear canal is sticky and may experience temporary collapse
during this period. These conditions may obstruct the ear canal and cause longer test times or a
refer result.
Quiet the infant, and finally, place the vertex sensor onto the infant, ensuring that the
cable lays in the same direction as the other sensor cables.
The vertex sensor (black clip) should be placed as high as possible, and centered on
the high forehead, not between the eyes.
Gently hold the sensor in place for a few seconds, to allow it to warm and create
good adhesion to the baby’s skin.
Ensure that the nape, common, and vertex sensor cables lay in the same direction. This
allows better sensor adhesion to the baby and reduces the possibility of sensor peel-off
by the cables.
Placing the vertex sensor last helps reduce adhesion problems at this site. However, sensors
and earphones may be placed in any order desired by the user.