V. ALGO 3i Screening Procedure
3i Newborn Hearing Screener IFU 024913 RevD Revision Date 08/05/2020
Because the ALGO 3i screener may only be used for infants up to 6 months of age, the year
options in the Date of Birth window will only be current and prior year, as well as a blank field.
If you enter an incorrect date (i.e. September 31), or if the current date precedes the date of
birth, the ALGO 3i screener will require you to edit the Date of Birth field before proceeding.
The ALGO 3i screener will allow a date of February 29 to be entered only during leap years.
Click “OK” when you have verified that all information is accurate. The Message box will
indicate if you have not entered data in required fields.
The ALGO 3i screener will display all the information you have entered, and ask for
confirmation. You may click “X” to return to the Infant Data Window to edit any data field.
Once you confirm the data in the Infant Data Window by clicking “OK”, you cannot modify it!
Be sure that all information is complete and accurate before clicking OK!
The ALGO 3i screener will advance to the Screening Parameters window.
Step 4: Prepare baby and attach supplies
A. Attach single use Natus sensors and earphones on infant. Cables should be connected to
sensors and earphones prior to attachment to the infant.
To ensure quick and accurate screening results, it is important to select a baby appropriate
for screening, and to correctly place the Natus screening supplies.
Evaluate baby’s medical chart to ensure no exclusion criteria for Natus ALGO
screening are present. (See Chapter I. Intended Use: Exclusion Criteria)
Ensure that baby is in a quiet or sleeping state, preferably after a feeding or bath.
Evaluate baby’s skin type, particularly at the vertex site, to determine whether
prepping is necessary. (See in this section: Skin Prepping Techniques)
Attach preamp cable to Natus sensors by attaching the colored cable clips centered onto
the colored tab section of the sensor.