Sample Programs
Appendix H
GPIB-232CT User Manual
© National Instruments Corp.
150 PRINT D$;"IN#0"
500 END
G Mode Sample Programs
The following steps are general programming steps. The following pages
contain detailed explanations of these steps and show some sample
1. Send
function to have status information returned to you
after your programming message.
2. Send GPIB initialization functions if you need to change default GPIB
3. Send serial port initialization functions if you need to change default
serial port settings.
4. Communicate with the serial device and obtain status from the
GPIB-232CT, if desired.
After you initialize the GPIB-232CT, you may only need to perform reads
and writes from the serial device.
To send data to the device you must address the device. To send
programming messages to the GPIB-232CT, you must address the
GPIB-232CT. The GPIB software you use on the Controller side can
provide high-level calls that perform this addressing automatically.