Chapter 4
Developing with LabVIEW FPGA
Simulating FPGA Behavior
You can simulate an FPGA VI that has been added to an NI-793xR target; however, you cannot
open a reference to the simulated FPGA VI from the NI-793xR target. Instead, you must open a
reference to the simulated FPGA VI by changing the application instance to My Computer. You
can select the application instance for a VI by using the application instance shortcut menu.
If you attempt to open a reference to a simulated FPGA target from an
NI-793xR target, a broken run arrow and an error message appear in your VI.
Complete the following steps to change the application instance for your simulated FPGA VI.
Navigate to the bottom left corner of the front panel window or block diagram. The application
instance selection shortcut menu displays the current application instance of the VI.
Right-click the shortcut menu and select the My Computer instance in which to run the VI,
as shown in the following figure.
Selecting a new application instance reopens the VI in the selected
application instance. The VI also remains open in the original application instance.
You also can use the
property to return the default
application reference programmatically. Use the Application property to open the target
application instance programmatically.