Chapter 5
Theory of Operation and Register-Level Programming
National Instruments Corporation
Configure Counter 1 to Control the MIO Board Scanning Clock
Counter 1 on the MIO board is used to divide the onboard scanning clock
controlling the scanning counter so that the onboard multiplexers switch
at a slower rate than the AMUX-64T multiplexers. To program counter 1,
use the following programming sequence. All operations are 16-bit write
operations. All values given are hexadecimal.
Write FF01 to the Am9513 Command Register to select the Counter 1
Mode Register.
Write 0325 (hex) to the Am9513 Data Register to store the Counter 1
mode value.
Write FF09 to the Am9513 Command Register to select the Counter 1
Load Register.
Write the divide-down value to the Am9513 Data Register to load
counter 4. The divide-down values are as follows:
One AMUX-64T board:
4 (hex)
Two AMUX-64T boards:
8 (hex)
Four AMUX-64T boards:
10 (hex)
Write FF41 to the Am9513 Command Register to load counter 1.
Write FFF1 to the Am9513 Command Register to step counter 1.
Write FF21 to the Am9513 Command Register to arm counter 1.
After you apply this programming sequence, counter 1 is configured to
divide-down SCANCLK during A/D conversions.
Set the SCANDIV Bit in MIO Command Register 1
To enable SCANCLK division, set the SCANDIV bit in Command
Register 1.
After this programming sequence, the analog inputs on the AMUX-64T are
automatically scanned during MIO-scanned A/D conversion operations.