Chapter 3
Theory of Operation
© National Instruments Corporation
SCXI-1162 User Manual
The voltage at any input should never be more than 10 V below its Vcc, nor should it be more
than 5 V above its Vcc. If you need a Vcc of more than 10 V, you can add series resistors to the
inputs to keep the current out of any input below 25 mA. Use the following guidelines to select
the proper amount of series resistance:
(Vmax - 10) / 24 < Rseries < (Vmin - 4) / 7
Prated > (Vmax) 2 / (Rseries x 1000)
where Vmax = maximum difference possible between inputs and Vcc (in volts)
Vmin = minimum drop below Vcc for an input to guarantee a logic low (in volts)
Rseries = value of the series resistor (in k
Prated = power rating of the series resistor (in watts)
Note: This module has no access to the analog section of the backplane; this protects the
backplane from faults when high voltages are available on the inputs.