E. Skin Replacement
After prolonged use for injections,
the skin on your training arm will
show track marks and need
replacing with Replacement Skin
and Vein Kit (LF00986U).
1. Remove used skin from arm.
a. Untie lace at shoulder.
b. Lubricate exterior of skin
with Ivory
liquid detergent.
c. Peel skin off by turning
inside out.
d. Remove old tubing.
2. Install new tubing.
Place new section of tubing in
channel of arm core. Be certain
equal portions of tubing protrude
at shoulder.
3. Lubricate skin.
Pour contents of the bottle of
Simulator Lubricant
provided inside arm skin and
swish around to coat all inside
4. Install new skin.
a. Slide shoulder of skin over
head of core. Be certain to
align palm of core and skin.
b. Grasp the skin with both hands
and slide over core until fingers
of core approach finger holes
of skin.
CAUTION: The thin
used to provide realism is tender and
care must be taken not to stretch or
tear the material when installing.
c. Check tubing location. If tubing
has moved from channel, try to
work into place by palpating
through skin. If unsuccessful,
peel skin back (invert) until tubing
can be replaced properly, then
roll skin over core.
d. Work fingers into place.
e. Draw skin snugly into place.