Narex EBU 15-14 CEA Скачать руководство пользователя страница 17



Additional safety instructions for cutting-off 



Do not “jam” the cut-off wheel or apply excessive pressure. Do not 

attempt to make an excessive depth of cut.

 Overstressing the wheel 

increases the loading and susceptibility to twisting or binding of the 

wheel in the cut and the possibility of kickback or wheel breakage.


Do  not position your body in line with and behind the rotating 


 When the wheel, at the point of operation, is moving away 

from your body, the possible kickback may propel the spinning wheel 

and the power tool directly at you.


When wheel is binding or when interrupting a cut for any reason, 

switch off the power tool and hold the power tool motionless until 

the wheel comes to a complete stop. Never attempt to remove the 

cut-off wheel from the cut while the wheel is in motion otherwise 

kick-back may occur.

 Investigate and take corrective action to elimi-

nate the cause of wheel binding.


Do  not restart the cutting operation in the workpiece. Let the 

wheel reach full speed and carefully reenter the cut.

 The wheel may 

bind, walk up or kickback if the power tool is restarted in the work-



Support panels or any oversized workpiece to minimise the risk of 

wheel pinching and kick-back.

 Large workpieces tend to sag under 

their own weight. Supports must be placed under the workpiece near 

the line of cut and near the edge of the workpiece on both sides of the 



Take extra caution when making a “pocket cut” into existing walls 

or other blind areas.

 The protruding wheel may cut gas or water 

pipes, electrical wiring or objects that can cause kickback.

Safety Warnings Specific for Sanding 



Do not use excessively oversized sanding disc paper. Follow manu-

facturers recommendations when selecting sanding paper.


sanding paper extending beyond the sanding pad presents a lacera-

tion hazard and may cause snagging, tearing of the disc or kickback.

Safety Warnings Specific for Wire Brushing 



Be aware that wire bristles are thrown by the brush even during 

ordinary operation. Do not overstress the wires by applying exces-

sive load to the brush.

 The wire bristles can easily penetrate light 

clothing and/or skin.


If the use of a guard is recommended for wire brushing, do not al-

low any interference of the wire wheel or brush with the guard.


Wire wheel or brush may expand in diameter due to work load and 

centrifugal forces.


Never lay the power tool down until the accessory has come to 

a complete stop.

 The spinning accessory may catch the surface and 

pull the power tool out of your control.


Do not run the power tool while carrying it at your side.


contact with the spinning accessory could snag your clothing, pulling 

the accessory into your body.


Regularly clean the power tool’s air vents.

 The motor’s fan will draw 

the dust inside the housing and excessive accumulation of powdered 

metal may cause electrical hazards.


Do not operate the power tool near flammable materials.


could ignite these materials.


Do not use accessories that require liquid coolants.

 Using water or 

other liquid coolants may result in electrocution or shock.

Kickback and Related Warnings

Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged rotating wheel, back-

ing pad, brush or any other accessory. Pinching or snagging causes rapid 

stalling of the rotating accessory which in turn causes the uncontrolled 

power tool to be forced in the direction opposite of the accessory’s rotation 

at the point of the binding.

For example, if an abrasive wheel is snagged or pinched by the workpiece, 

the edge of the wheel that is entering into the pinch point can dig into the 

surface of the material causing the wheel to climb out or kick out. The wheel 

may either jump toward or away from the operator, depending on direction 

of the wheel’s movement at the point of pinching. Abrasive wheels may also 

break under these conditions.

Kickback is the result of power tool misuse and/or incorrect operating pro-

cedures or conditions and can be avoided by taking proper precautions as 

given below.


Maintain a firm grip on the power tool and position your body and 

arm to allow you to resist kickback forces. Always use an auxiliary 

handle, if provided, for maximum control over kickback or torque 

reaction during start-up.

 The operator can control torque reactions 

or kick-back forces, if proper precautions are taken.


Never place your hand near the rotating accessory.

 Accessory may 

kickback over your hand.


Do not position your body in the area where power tool will move 

if kickback occurs.

 Kick-back will propel the tool in direction opposite 

to the wheel’s movement at the point of snagging.


Take special care when working corners, sharp edges etc. Avoid 

bouncing and snagging the accessory.

 Corners, sharp edges or 

bouncing have a tendency to snag the rotating accessory and cause 

loss of control or kickback.


Do  not attach a  saw chain woodcarving blade or toothed saw 


 Such blades create frequent kickback and loss of control.

Safety warnings specific for grinding and 

cutting-off operations:


Use only wheel types that are recommended for your power tool 

and the specific guard designed for the selected wheel.

 Wheels for 

which the power tool was not designed cannot be adequately guard-

ed and are unsafe.


Use only the specific guard designed for the selected wheel. The 

guard must be securely attached to the power tool and positioned 

for maximum safety, so the least amount of wheel is exposed to-

wards the operator.

 The guard helps to protect the operator from 

broken wheel fragments and accidental contact with the wheel.


Wheels must be used only for recommended applications. For ex-

ample: do not grind with the side of cut-off wheel.

 Abrasive cut-off 

wheels are intended for peripheral grinding, side forces applied to 

these wheels may cause them to shatter.


Always use undamaged wheel flanges that are of correct size and 

shape for your selected wheel.

 Proper wheel flanges support the 

wheel thus reducing the possibility of wheel breakage. Flanges for 

cut-off wheels may be different from grinding wheel flanges.


Do not use worn down wheels from larger power tools.

 Wheels in-

tended for larger power tools are not suitable for the higher speed of 

a smaller tool and may burst.

Содержание EBU 15-14 CEA

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Страница 16: ... not al low persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained users e Maintain power tools Check for misalignment or binding of mov ing parts breakage of parts and any other condition that may af fect the power tool s operation If damaged have the power tool repaired before use Many accidents are caused by poo...

Страница 17: ...essories that require liquid coolants Using water or other liquid coolants may result in electrocution or shock Kickback and Related Warnings Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched or snagged rotating wheel back ing pad brush or any other accessory Pinching or snagging causes rapid stalling of the rotating accessory which in turn causes the uncontrolled power tool to be forced in the direction...

Страница 18: ... part Thanks to the special design vibrations are reduced by the addi tional handle 17 Autobalancer self balancing assembly Autobalancer 11 is pressed on the grinder spindle by the manu facturing plant and other angular grinders cannot be equipped by the Autobalancer additionally By its design Autobalancer reduces the vibrations generated as the consequence of wheel disbalance thus protecting the ...

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Страница 20: ...s safety notes spare parts list and proof of purchase in a safe place In addition the manufacturer s current warranty conditions apply Information about noise level and vibrations The values have been measured in conformity with EN 60745 Acoustic pressure level LpA 91 dB A Acoustic power level LwA 104 dB A In accuracy of measurements K 3 dB A ATTENTION Noise is generated during work Use ear protec...

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Страница 23: ... 8a 8b en la posición de trabajo adecuada Descripción del equipo 1 Pulsador 2 Orificios de ventilación 3 Gorrón de bloqueo del huso 4 Programación del número de revoluciones 5 Caja de cambio 6 Cuello de sujeción 7 Huso 8a Cubierta protectora para rectificado 8b Cubierta protectora para corte 9 Salientes guía 10 Tornillo de compresión 11 Autobalancer 12 Disco de rectificado 13 Disco de corte 14a Tu...

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Страница 26: ...овке оборудования выключатель действительно выключен Транспортировка оборудования с пальцем на вы ключателе или ввод вилки оборудования в розетку сети пи тания с включенным выключателем может стать причиной несчастных случаев г До включения оборудования устраните все наладочные ин струменты или ключи Наладочный инструмент или ключ который останется прикрепленным к вращающейся части эл оборудования...

Страница 27: ...ю вращающе гося инструмента и к потере контроля или к обратному уда ру д Не присоединяйте к оборудованию пильный резчицкий ин струмент или пильный диск с зубьями Эти диски часто вы зывают обратный ударь и утрату контроля над оборудова нием Специальные указания по технике безопасности Правила техники безопасности совместные для рабочих операций шлифования плоского шлифования шлифования проволочной ...

Страница 28: ... и электромеханическое оборудование прямо на вас в Если диск защемится или резка по любым причинам прекра щена выключите электромеханическое оборудование и дер жите его пока диск не будет полностью остановлен Никогда не пытайтесь вынуть разрезной диск из зоны разреза когда диск движется так как мог бы произойти обратный удар Про верьте ситуацию и приведите в порядок чтобы возможно было исключить з...

Страница 29: ...ок придется оснастить защитным кожухом для работы с разрезными дисками который можно приобрести в магазинах заказа 65 404 821 для ø 150 мм Если не установите этот кожух для резания то вы подвергаете себя повышенному риску травмы и в та ком случае фирма NAREX не будет отвечать за возмож ное повреждение здоровья пользователя или другого лица раненного как последствие нарушения правил тех ники безопа...

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Страница 32: Nie używajcie luźnych ubrań ani biżute rii Dbajcie o to aby wasze włosy ubranie i rękawice były dosta tecznie daleko od poruszających się części Luźne ubrania biżuteria i długie włosy mogą zostać uchwycone przez poruszające się części g Jeżeli do dyspozycji są środki do podłączenia urządzenia do odsy sania i gromadzenia pyłu zapewnijcie aby takie urządzenia były podłączone i stosownie używane U...

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Страница 40: ...pcsolni Újraindulás elleni védelem Megakadályozza a gép automatikus újraindulását áramkimaradás esetén A gép újbóli indításához a kapcsolót előbb le kell kapcsolni majd újra be kell kapcsolni Fordulatszám előválasztó EBU 13 14 CE A fordulatszám előválasztó gombbal 4 előre be lehet állítani a gép fordulatszámát 1 3 500 1 perc 2 4 600 1 perc 3 6 000 1 perc 4 7 200 1 perc 5 8 500 1 perc 6 10 000 1 pe...

Страница 41: ...rizze meg A garanciára mindig az adott pillanatban érvényes gyártói garanciális feltételek az irányadóak Zajszint és vibráció tájékoztató Az értékeket az EN 60745 szabvány szerint mértük meg Zajnyomás szintje LpA 91 dB A Zajteljesítmény szintje LwA 104 dB A Mérési pontatlanság K 3 dB A FIGYELEM A gép használata közben zaj keletkezik Munka közben használjon fülvédőt Az rezgésérték három irányban mé...

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Страница 44: ...Servisné miesta The current list of authorized service centres can be found at our website www narex cz section Service Centres La lista actual de los centros de servicio autorizados se puede encontrar en nuestro sitio web www narex cz en la sección Puntos de servicio Действующий список авторизованных сервисных мастерских можно найти на нашем сайте www narex cz в части Сервисные мастерские Aktualn...
