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The following may cause failure of the power unit:
- Inadequate electrical power (Voltage or Amperage), verify that the electrical power supplied complies with
the power unit’s requirement. or;
- Abnormal performances of the electronic control module or the motor
Before calling a service technician, in case of a malfunction, please review the following situations by
running the following simple diagnostics:
Verify that there is power in the electrical outlet.
Verify the breaker or the fuse in the electrical panel.
Verify that the power cord is adequately plugged in the electrical outlet.
Verify that the mini-breaker button on the side of the unit is pushed-in.
Short-circuit the low voltage connections on the side of the power unit. If the
power unit starts, the problem is somewhere else in the valve network wiring
or on the current carrying hose.
Verify that all low voltage connections are adequate at every valve location.
Open every valve, one at a time, and make contact between the two (2)
small pins with a metal object. If all the valves work properly, take a look at
the low voltage circuit or switch on the hose.
If the power unit still does not work after the above diagnostic, bring the unit
to the nearest authorized service center.
Verify the cleaning tool or the hose for possible obstruction. If the hose is
obstructed, try to “massage” the clog out. Try to “reverse” the hose by
inserting the cleaning end of the hose in the wall valve and making contact
with the two (2) small metal contact pins, hold your hand around the opening
for air tightness.
Verify if the disposable bag is full, if so replace disposable bag and/or that
the filter may be clogged, if so clean the permanent filter.
Verify if the debris canister is adequately placed on the unit with no air leaks.
Verify that all other valves are shut and that there is no air leaks.
If one of the vacuum valves has noticeably less power than the others, it is a
sign of a clog at this particular valve. Write a different number on a few paper
tissues and pick one up in every valve in the home; see in the debris
canister which one is missing so to find which valve is obstructed
If none of the valves function properly and that the power unit is running;
unhook the flexible pipe on the top of the power unit from the debris intake
line. If you have plenty of power there, it is a sign that the clog is between the
last valve and the power unit.
If the power unit still does not work after the above diagnostic, bring the unit
to the nearest authorized service center.