North American Clutch & Driveline
Rockford, Illinois
Phone: (800) 383-9204
(815) 282-7960
Fax (815) 282-9160
2.3a Application Guidelines
NACD 14” HD, 14” HD(DP) and 14” HD(TP) Power Take-Offs designed with tapered
roller type main bearings (9)(see illustration in section 6.1) are not approved for in-line
drive applications.
2.3b Application Guidelines
Segmented facings in 2-plate (DP) and 3-plate (TP) Clutches - NACD does not approve
the use of segmented facings in 2-plate (DP) and 3-plate (TP) clutches.
2.4 Allowable Side Load Pulls
The following formula can be used to estimate applied side loads. Loads are calculated
on proper tensioning of belts. If belts are tightened excessively, the resulting side load
can exceed the calculated value. If belts are under tightened, belt “whip” and other
resultant factors can cause intermittent side load pulls which exceed allowable limits.
Note: Side load charts are not furnished for some Power Take Offs because the PTO is
not designed for side-load applications or the pilot bearing is provided by the customer.
Pilot bearing size and type are integral to allowable side load pull calculations. Therefore
allowable side load charts cannot be furnished unless bearing information is known.
Please contact the NACD sales department to obtain an application data sheet for
engineering review.
L =
x F x A
126000 x H.P.
N x D
= Actual Applied Load (lbs.)
= Horsepower
= Shaft Speed (rev./min.)
= Pitch Diameter of Pulley, etc. (in.)
= Load Factor (see below)
= 1.0 for low & moderate duty drives
1.4 for severe duty shock loads or large
inertia loads (reciprocating compressors,
crusher, chippers, planers, etc.)
1.0 for chain
2.5 for V belt drive
3.5 for flat belt drive