North American Clutch & Driveline
Rockford, Illinois
Phone: (800) 383-9204
(815) 282-7960
Fax (815) 282-9160
10.1.5 Threads must not be damaged.
10.2 Pressure Plate
10.2.1 Friction surface must not have heat cracks, must be smooth and must be flat
within .005” (.127 mm.).
10.2.2 Splines must not have wear marks exceeding .003” (.076 mm.), depth due to
wear from the pressure plate or center plate.
10.2.3 Maximum width of lever bosses at the contact area should not exceed .756”
(19.202 mm.).
10.2.4 Clevis pin holes must not be excessively worn. A small amount of wear is normal
and will not be detrimental.
10.3 Release sleeve
10.3.1 No fractures should exist in the bosses.
10.3.2 Clevis pin holes must not be excessively worn. A small amount of wear is normal
and will not be detrimental.
10.3.3 The release sleeve bore should not be worn beyond the limits shown below.
10.3.4 (for ball-type release bearing): Snapring groove must not be damaged or worn
beyond .135” (3.43 mm.) width.
10.3.5 Ball bearing must fit tight on the release sleeve.
Basic Size
2.437” (61.90 mm.)
2.75“ (69.85 mm.)
3.00” (76.20 mm.)
3.25” (82.55 mm.)
3.50” (88.90 mm.)
Maximum Allowable Diameter
2.449” (62.205 mm.)
2.754” (69.952 mm.)
3.010” (76.454 mm.)
3.256” (82.702 mm.)
3.510” (89.154 mm.)