5.3 Disclaimer
There are risks associated in riding a bicycle which
cannot be predicted or avoided. To the maximum extent
permitted by law, N Plus Holdings Pty Ltd (trading as
n+ bikes) and its associates, limit any liability for any
loss caused by use of the bike or any products listed in
this manual. It is the owners responsibility to ensure
you are riding a bike compliant within your location
and jurisdiction. For details of the full legal terms
between you as customer and n+ bikes please see:
5.4 Liability
1. Our liability for negligence, other than for gross
negligence, shall be limited to the maximum extent
permitted at law.
2. We shall not be liable (on whatever legal grounds)
for damages which may not reasonably be foreseen,
considering the type of the relevant Order and
Goods and assuming normal use of the Goods. The
foregoing limitations of liability shall not apply in
cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence.
3. Except as specified by consumer laws, damage
claims of the Consumer based on obvious defects
of the Goods are excluded, unless the Consumer
reports the defect within 14 days after the delivery
of the Goods.
4. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the
information contained within this user manual
is correct, n+ bikes makes no warranty as the
accuracy, comprehensiveness, or correctness of
any material, and provides all material on an “as
is” basis.
n + bikes, including our partners, directors, officers,
shareholders, employees, agents, contractors, and
other third parties associated with running the
Website, to the maximum extent permitted by law,
disclaim all liability and responsibility for any loss or
damage that might be suffered by you or any third
party caused by the Website or the Goods sold on it
including, without limitation, loss or damage suffered
as a result of negligence.
5/ Safety & disclaimer