NAT-MCH BASE-Module– Technical Reference Manual
Version 2.10
© N.A.T. GmbH
If you have any questions on the policy of N.A.T. regarding the Directive
2011/65/EU of the European Commission on the "Restriction of the use of certain
Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment" (RoHS) or the
Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Commission on "Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment" (WEEE) please contact N.A.T. by phone or e-mail.
Compliance to CE Directive
Compliance to the CE directive is declared. A ‘CE’ sign can be found on the PCB.
Product Safety
The board complies with EN60950 and UL1950.
Compliance to REACH
The REACH EU regulation
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006) is known to N.A.T.
GmbH. N.A.T. did not receive information from their European suppliers of
substances of very high concern of the ECHA candidate list. Article 7(2) of REACH
is notable as no substances are intentionally being released by NAT products and
as no hazardous substances are contained. Information remains in effect or will be
otherwise stated immediately to our customers.