Depending on the application and personal preferences,
direct outputs) and sub-mixed signals from a mixing
there are many ways to integrate the IEX16L. The
console (e.g. aux outputs) as inputs for the IEX-16L.
following two examples showing signal feeds from a
Keep in mind that signals from local myMix units can be
console, and a splitter/microphone pre amp, should
combined with signals from a single, or multiple, IEX-16L
serve as a guideline. In some cases the perfect solution
on the network.
might consist of a mixture of individual signals (split or
Signals from a mixing console
To get sub mixes of individual signals (e.g. drums,
Required cabling:
vocals) onto the myMix system one usually uses
Console Output Connector
IEX16L cabling
auxiliary or group outputs from the console. Another
XLR male
XLR female to DB25
option would be individual channel signals (e.g. lead
¼” TRS
¼” TRS to DB25
vocalist) using direct outputs or, if the console doesn't
Unbalanced Insert
Special Adaptor plus
XLR to DB25
feature individual direct outs, using the channel insert
points (requires special cable, see below) to get the
individual signal. The choice of where to pick a signal
before it's sent to the myMix system for individual
monitoring is crucial for overall system performance.
Pre Fader versus Post Fader signals for monitor use
Pre EQ versus Post EQ send
(Aux/Subgroup and Direct Outputs)
Some consoles have switchable pre or post EQ sends for an
A signal sent to the myMix monitor system “pre fader” means
aux signal. The channel EQ on the console is adjusted to
that the console output signal is unaltered by any level changes
provide the most pleasing sound for the house PA system, the
to the main mix. In most cases this is the preferred scenario.
venue, the audience, etc. In some cases, however, the EQ
While subgroups always contain post fader signals, most
setting that works for the main mix is very different from the
auxiliary busses can be used as pre or post fader. Direct
sound that is ideal for monitoring. An example of how this can
outputs on most professional analogue consoles can be
be counter-productive is when the FOH channel EQ is setup to
available as pre or post fade. Inexpensive analogue console
compensate for the acoustic response of a room, but the
direct outputs are usually fixed, but occasionally have a
musicians are monitoring with in-ears that are not affected by
switchable jumper option. Larger digital consoles usually
the sound of the room. In other cases it may be useful to have
feature fully configurable outputs, while many smaller digital
all EQs and dynamics in the monitoring signal, especially in the
consoles don't even have direct channel outs. In cases where
case of a monitoring a multi-track recording session.
pre fade direct outputs are not available, see use of Inserts as
Direct Out with a special adapter (above), or getting signals
from a mic splitter/pre amp (below).
Signal flow diagram showing four different options to get a signal for the IEX-16L
1: e.g. Direct Out, pre EQ, per Insert, or using the Insert as Direct Output
2: e.g. Aux Send, pre fader, pre EQ, post Insert
3: e.g. Aux Send, pre fader, post EQ
4: e.g. Aux Send post fader, or Direct Out post fader
Special Adaptor TRS/XLR to use a console insert as direct output
Pin 1= Ground
Pin 3= Ground
Pin 2= Signal
Tip & Ring = Signal
Sleeve= Ground