For cellphones/tablets we recommend to use the android app "DroidPlanner2". Please set
communicating baudrate to 38400bps and use bluetooth connection in the app. You need a
bluetooth module plugged to the MFD AP data port in the meantime and set AP data port
baudrate=38400bps to use DroidPlanner2.
Uploading way points will erase all the existing way points in the AP.
And because way points uploaded from GCS use absolute GPS coordniates, if you want to
define your waypoints in OSD later, you'd better use
to erase these
way points uploaded by GCS.
Select CIR mode on the transmitter , right click on MissionPlanner main window and
click "Fly To Here" from the context-menu. Input the altitude, your plane will fly to the point and
circle above it.
Viewing and Editing parameters by mission planner:
Select "CONFIG/TUNING" =>"Full
Parameter List" in mission planner, you can view and edit some important parameters of the AP.
With a pair of data-radio you can even tuning your plane when it is flying.
More parameters will appear here in the future.
8. Firmware upgrade
MyFlyDream will continue to improve the firmware to fix bugs and get better performance.
Unless a warning message is given in the firmware update history, no setting will be erased
during the firmware update. So please read the firmware update history before upgrade.