MEK-36,48,58 / MAK-36,48,58
Issue 12.2009/Rev. 02
Page 3/20
EG-Konformitätserklärung des Herstellers
nach der EG-Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG Anhang II, Nr. 1 A
EC-Declaration of Conformity by the Manufacturer
as defined by machinery directive 2006/42/EC, Annex II, No. 1 A
MUNSCH Kunststoff-Schweißtechnik GmbH
Im Staudchen
D-56235 Ransbach-Baumbach
Mr. Johann Dausenau,
Kunststoffschweißtechnik GmbH,
is authorised to compile the technical documentation.
We hereby declare that the hand extruders
Machine type:
Hand extruder
Hand extruder
Type designation:
are in accordance with all relevant provisions of the EC Machinery Directive.
The following harmonised standards (or parts of these standards) were applied:
DIN EN ISO 12100-1: 2004
DIN EN 13732-1: 2008
DIN EN ISO 12100-2: 2004
In addition, the hand extruders are in accordance with the following EC-directives, standards, codes and
EU Low-Voltage Directive 73/23/EC
EU EMC Directive 89/336/EC
EN 60204-1 (VDE 0113 Part 1): 2007
DIN EN 55014-1: 2007
EN 61029-1 (VDE 0740 Part 500): 2003
DIN EN 55014-2: 2009
VDE 0701 Part 1: 2008
VDE 0702 Part 1: 2003
This industrial tool complies with the aforesaid standards insofar as it is used at the contractually agreed
conditions. The operator is responsible for this.
In the event of any modifications to the machine/unit or use not as intended, this declaration becomes invalid
unless the manufacturer’s prior written approval has expressly been given.
Ransbach-Baumbach, 29.12.2009
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Munsch
Managing Director