MEK-36,48,58 / MAK-36,48,58
Issue 12.2009/Rev. 02
Page 11/20
Hold and touch the hand extruder only on
the handles provided for this purpose.
CAUTION The melt temperature must have
reached the preset start interlock temperature
for the startup timer to be activated. After the
startup timer has timed out, the start interlock will
be released and the extruder can be started.
5.4 Welding with the hand extruder
Observe section “Safety” and the data sheet.
Welding is to be carried out in accordance with the
guidelines of the German Association for Welding
Technology (Deutscher Verband für Schweißtechnik
The parts to be joined and the welding rod must be
clean and dry.
5.4.1 Introducing the welding rod
CAUTION The hand extruder is provided with a
bore for introducing the welding rod.
5.4.2 Replacement and aging of welding rod
If the welding rod is to be replaced, make sure
that any remaining rod in the hand extruder is
completely removed.
For this purpose, operate the preheated hand
extruder with the new welding rod until clean new
material discharges.
The DVS guideline also recommends this
procedure for hand extruders which have been
out of service for prolonged periods while still
being filled with welding rod
Ensure safe and environmentally
compatible disposal of any waste generated!
5.4.3 Welding direction / rate
The pressure of the discharging extrudate causes
the welding shoe (and hence, the hand extruder)
to move in welding direction.
See DVS Guidelines for the welding rate.
5.4.4 Interruption of work
Observe section “Safety“.
Do not leave the hand extruder unattended.
Make sure to maintain the air supply.
When interrupting the welding job, switch off the
drive unit and deposit the hand extruder as
shown in the illustration below.