MultiModemISI Hybrid Series, ISIHP-2S/2U/4S/4U/4SD
Modem AT Commands & S-Registers
Maximum Dial Line Rate
Unit: decimal
Range: 019
Default: 0
Sets the maximum dial line rate. When set to zero (0), the maximum dial line
rate is the same as the maximum modem speed. This is the most common
setting and allows other modem functions to actually determine the line rate
used for each connection. It is the default. Consider using
to set a
maximum dial line rate if you need to artificially retain a lower modem speed.
0 = maximum modem speed
13 = 19200 bps
1 = reserved
14= 21600 bps
2 = 1200/75 bps
15 = 2400 bps
3 = 300 bps
16 = 26400 bps
4 = reserved
17 = 28800 bps
5 = 1200 bps
18 = 31200 bps
6 = 2400 bps
19 = 33600 bps
7 = 4800 bps
8 = 7200 bps
9 = 9600 bps
10 = 12000 bps
11 = 14400 bps
12 = 16800 bps
Enable / Disable Auto Rate
Unit: decimal
Range: 0-1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Enables and disables the 56K auto rate. Retrain and fallback are disabled in
data mode. Set
to zero (0) to disable auto rate, or 1 (the default) to
enable auto rate.
Enable / Disable V.32bis Start-up Auto Mode
Unit: decimal
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