MultiModemISI Hybrid Series, ISIHP-2S/2U/4S/4U/4SD
Modem AT Commands & S-Registers
which uses the Request to Send (RTS) signal on the RS-232/V.24 interface.
Hardware flow control cannot be enabled unless an active error correction
protocol is selected. This is the factory default setting. (This is the same as
XON/XOFF Pass-Through
= 0, 1
When XON/XOFF pacing is active, the local modem has two options
regarding the XON and XOFF characters. It can respond to and discard the
characters from the computer, or it can respond to the characters and pass
them through the data communications link to the remote modem, thereby
pacing the remote modem as well.
causes the modem to respond to and discard the XON and XOFF
characters (default)
causes the modem to respond to and pass on the XON and XOFF
Data Buffer Control
= 0
disables force line rate less than or equal to DTE rate
enables force line rate less than or equal to DTE rate
Set Break Control
= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Determines how the modem processes a break signal received from the
local DTE during an online connection.
causes the modem to send the break to the remote modem in sequence
with transmitted data, non-destructive, non-expedited.
Escape Sequences
Escape sequences are also known as escape codes. They are used to cause
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