HTXD6i/STXD6i Trowel • SeTUp, aDJUSTMeNTS aND CalIBraTIoNS — rev. #0 (03/14/13) — page 23
macHine setup and calibration
5. Re-measure speed, repeating steps 2 and 3 until Left
Side Trowel Speed is correct:
a. HTXD6i — 157 to 160 RPM (942 to 960 Pulses
per minute)
b. STXD6i— 127 to 130 RPM (762 to 780 Pulses
per minute)
6. Record L.H. speed on Machine Information and
Maintenance Log in machine setup area.
right Side Trowel Speed adjustment
1. Verify setup jumper is installed or stroke follower is
2. Fully depress pedal, measure Left Side and Right Side
Trowel Speed.
3. Adjust trowel arm connecting rod on the pump actuating
lever and tighten jamb nuts (Figure 33).
Figure 33. Adjusting Right Side Trowel Speed
4. Re-measure speed and repeat steps 2 and 3 until Left
Side and Right side are within 1 RPM of each other.
5. Record R.H. speed on Machine Information and
Maintenance Log in Machine Setup section.
6. Remove setup jumper or re-enable stroke follower.
Stroke sensor must be recalibrated after trowel speed
adjustment for proper machine operation.
The trowel speeds should be adjusted on a dry concrete
floor with the blades pitched slightly (tips about 1/2” off
Calibrate Stroke Sensor
1. Turn machine off for at least 10 seconds.
2. Restart machine.
3. Install Setup Jumper or disable Stroke Follower.
4. Click “Calibration” button on machine setup page.
5. Click “Calibration” button in STROKE SENSOR section
(Figure 34).
Figure 34. Calibrate Stroke Sensor
Machine movement will occur during this step. Ensure
machine is secure or operator is present in seat. All
guards should be in place. Keep fingers, hands, hair,
and clothing away from all moving parts to prevent injury.