5 Maintenance
5.1 Maintenance and servicing
Low operating and maintenance costs as well as operational reliability and availability depend on mainte‐
nance and servicing being carried out in compliance with MTU's specifications and instructions.
The overall system, of which the engine is an integral part, must be maintained in such a way as to en‐
sure trouble-free engine operation at all times. For this purpose always:
• ensure that sufficient fuel of approved quality is provided,
• ensure that the combustion air is dry and clean.
Notes on maintenance:
• Special care should be taken to keep the machinery plant in a clean and serviceable condition at all
times to facilitate detection of possible leaks and prevent consequential damage.
• Protect rubber and synthetic components from oil and fuel, never treat with organic detergents. Wipe
with a dry cloth only.
• Always replace all seals and gaskets. Our Product Support Service will always be available should
assistance be required.
MTU maintenance concept
The maintenance system for MTU products is based on preventive maintenance concept.
Preventive maintenance permits advance operational planning and increases availability. The mainte‐
nance schedule is based on the load profile specified below. The time intervals at which the maintenance
work is to be carried out and the relevant checks and tasks involved are average values based on opera‐
tional experience and are therefore to be regarded as guidelines only. Specific operational conditions
may require modification of the Maintenance Schedule. The Maintenance Schedule is part of the Mainte‐
nance Booklet. Exchange parts (reliabilt®) are available for components to be replaced.
The maintenance schedule matrix finishes with extended component maintenance. Following this, main‐
tenance work must then be continued at the specified intervals.
The specification of fluids and lubricants, guidelines for maintenance and change intervals as well as a
list of approved fluids and lubricants are provided in the MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifications
A001063/.. Use only fluids and lubricants which comply with the MTU Fluids and Lubricants Specifica‐
The user/customer must perform the following additional maintenance tasks:
• Fuel prefilter:
The maintenance interval depends on how dirty fuel is. The filter elements of the fuel prefilters must
be replaced every 2 years at the latest.
• Battery:
Battery maintenance depends on duty and ambient conditions. The specifications of the battery manu‐
facturer apply.
Out-of-service periods
If the engine is to remain out of service for more than 1 month, carry out engine preservation procedures
according to the Fluids and Lubricants Specifications, MTU Publication No. A001063/... .
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