329 – AL Wiring Cylinder A9
ZKP-Number: 18.004.528
Corrective action
Short-circuit in injector cabling
to cylinder A9. Result: Misfiring
1. Rectify short circuit in injector solenoid valve circuit (positive to
negative) (e.g. by injector replacement)
2. Error cleared after restarting the engine.
330 – AL Wiring Cylinder A10
ZKP-Number: 18.004.529
Corrective action
Short-circuit in injector cabling
to cylinder A10. Result: Misfiring
1. Rectify short circuit in injector solenoid valve circuit (positive to
negative) (e.g. by injector replacement)
2. Error cleared after restarting the engine.
331 – AL Wiring Cylinder B1
ZKP-Number: 18.004.530
Corrective action
Cabling fault in injector cabling
to cylinder B1. Result: Misfiring
1. Rectify short circuit in injector solenoid valve circuit (positive to
negative) (e.g. by injector replacement)
2. Error cleared after restarting the engine.
332 – AL Wiring Cylinder B2
ZKP-Number: 18.004.531
Corrective action
Cabling fault in injector cabling
to cylinder B2. Result: Misfiring
1. Rectify short circuit in injector solenoid valve circuit (positive to
negative) (e.g. by injector replacement)
2. Error cleared after restarting the engine.
333 – AL Wiring Cylinder B3
ZKP-Number: 18.004.532
Corrective action
Cabling fault in injector cabling
to cylinder B3. Result: Misfiring
1. Rectify short circuit in injector solenoid valve circuit (positive to
negative) (e.g. by injector replacement)
2. Error cleared after restarting the engine.
334 – AL Wiring Cylinder B4
ZKP-Number: 18.004.533
Corrective action
Cabling fault in injector cabling
to cylinder B4. Result: Misfiring
1. Rectify short circuit in injector solenoid valve circuit (positive to
negative) (e.g. by injector replacement)
2. Error cleared after restarting the engine.
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