447 – HIHI P-Charge Mix Diff.
Red alarm. Engine shutdown.
Associated parameter 2.0183.932
Corrective action
Difference in mixture pressures
sensed on A and B side is too
high (limit value 2).
1. Check throttles for varying positions and malfunction.
2. Check mixture lines for leakage.
3. Check sensors and cabling (B79.22, B79.21).
451 – HI T-Charge Mix
Yellow alarm.
Associated parameter 2.0169.931
Corrective action
Mixture temperature is too high
(limit value 1). Mixture coolant
pump failure, volumetric flow
too low, cooling system inlet
temperature too high, mixture
cooler clogged.
1. Check mixture cooling circuit.
2. Check mixture cooler for dirt.
452 – HIHI T-Charge Mix
Red alarm. Engine shutdown.
Associated parameter 2.0169.932
Corrective action
Mixture temperature too high
(limit value 2). Mixture coolant
pump failure, volumetric flow
too low, cooling system inlet
temperature too high, mixture
cooler clogged.
1. Check mixture cooling circuit.
2. Check mixture cooler for dirt.
453 – LO T-Charge Mix
Yellow alarm.
Associated parameter 2.0169.921
Corrective action
Mixture temperature is too low
(limit value 3).
1. Check intake air temperature.
2. Check mixture cooling circuit.
454 – SS Power Reduction Active
Yellow alarm.
Associated parameter 2.7000.011
Corrective action
Power reduction activated.
Rectify limit value violation of the source alarm (e.g. reduce
intake temperature).
112 | Troubleshooting | MS150115/00E 2013-10
TIM-ID: 0000044738 - 001