MTS Landmark™ Tabletop Load Units - Product Information
Zero a sensor output.
Use your grips and fixtures.
Define a simple test.
Run a test.
Related products
The Series 370 Tabletop Load Unit includes several other products. For product-specific information
and maintenance procedures, see the following product information manuals.
Series 111 Accumulator Product Information
manual (MTS part number
Series 252 Servovalve Product Information
manual (MTS part number 011-182-906)
EU Declarations
The load units, controllers, and optional equipment are supplied with Product Information manuals that
allow them to be assembled and integrated to work as assemblies of machinery.
The customer must evaluate risks due to ejected parts or materials from the test specimens. If the test
area enclosure option is not selected by the customer, then for protection against ejected parts or
materials from test specimens and to control access to the machinery, the customer must provide a
test area enclosure.
EC Declaration of Conformity (Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Annex II
The load units are used for testing materials and components and can perform tension, compression,
fatigue and fracture mechanics tests. The testing materials and components (test specimens) are
supplied by customers or end users.
A combination of one each of an MTS load unit AND one each of an MTS Controller constitute
machinery that can be used for specific application(s) as given in this load unit Product Information
manual. If the load unit is supplied with an MTS Controller, the Declaration of Conformity is supplied
with the machinery; an example of the Declaration of Conformity is provided at the end of this manual.
Optional equipment such as hydraulic service manifolds, a hydraulic power unit, grips, fixtures,
extensometers, furnaces, ovens and environmental chambers, and so forth can be used with the
machinery. MTS will supply Product Information manuals for optional equipment that allow such
equipment to be assembled correctly with the load unit and controller. This will allow the completed
system assembly of individual equipment to be controlled as one final machinery.
Declaration of Incorporation (Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Annex II 1B)
If the load unit is supplied by itself, MTS will only supply a Declaration of Incorporation with the product;
an example of the Declaration of Incorporation is provided at the end of this manual. Whenever a
Declaration of Incorporation is supplied, it is the responsibility of the customer to perform the
Machinery Directive Conformity Assessment procedures and ensure that the complete assembly of