MTS Landmark™ Tabletop Load Units - Product Information
Other Maintenance Tasks
The following table lists the recommended interval for each of these procedures.
What to Do
When to Do It
Make daily inspections
Before the start of each day’s testing.
Clean the load unit columns.
When the columns become greasy or dirty.
Prevent rust
Depends on the operating environment; more often in
humid environments.
Maintain airmount pressures
When the load unit sits unevenly.
Adjust the hydraulic locks
When the crosshead sticks or moves jerkily on the
Lubricate the crosshead locking
Whenever they begin to be hard to tighten or sticky
when loosened.
When the bolts begin to loosen or tighten stiffly (manual
locking crossheads only).
Align the force transducer
After actuator or force transducer installation; when a
better alignment between the two is desired.
Check the accumulators’
precharge pressures
Adjust if necessary
At least once a month; more often as required by
operating conditions.
Clean exposed actuator piston
Weekly; more often as required by operating conditions.
Change the HSM filter
When the indicator is in bypass position or when
hydraulic fluid is changed.
Change the filter in the
When servovalve performance has deteriorated.
Adjust mechanical null in the
After the valve balancing procedure (electrical
compensation) has been completed and the results are
judged unsatisfactory.
Perform sensor calibration
Calibration intervals depend on system requirements
and are typically performed during scheduled
maintenance by MTS trained personnel. Sensors can
include LVDT, load cell, and extensometer.
Load Unit Maintenance Intervals