M.T.H. HO 4-8-4 GS-4/ GS-6 Steam Engine
27 Speed Step Mode maps directly to the 28 speed steps used in DCC but does
not use the 28th speed step. It uses the odd steps on acceleration and the
even steps on deceleration.
28 Speed Step Mode maps directly to the 28 speed steps used in DCC
When the New Motorola format is used (DIP switch 2 in the ON position on
the Marklin 6021 Controller), you can re-map F1-F4 using CV115-CV122. When
Bit 2 of CV56 is set you now have functionality of F5-F9 at the current engine
a 1. For example, if you are controlling engine address 5 you would
need to call up engine address 6 and then you can use Function/Off and F1-F4
to control functions F5-F9. The same applies to consists as they would be
consist a 1. Also, you can re-map F5-F9 via CV123-CV130.