MSW Motor Technics MSW-AG6 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 6























revolutions / torque adjustment




trigger lock


lubrication cap




exhaust deflector


metal flange


Air intake





Air intake


disk shield


revolutions / torque adjustment










trigger lock


exhaust deflector


metal flange




Air intake


metal flange




trigger lock










Every time make sure the device disconnected from 

source of compressed air.


Before use grease the device.






















Unscrew the flange: grip the spindle with a spanner 

and then use another spanner to grab the flange and 

twist in an anticlockwise direction.


Insert the required tip.


Tighten the tip in the device: grip the spindle with 

a spanner and then use another spanner to grab the 

flange and twist in a clockwise direction.


Remove the air inlet cap and connect air hose to the 



To activate the device, release the trigger lock and 

then press the trigger.


For the pneumatic device to function properly, correct 

preparation of the compressed air supplied to it is 

necessary. Use of an air treatment unit is recommended. It 

comprises an air dyer, regulator and a grease cup. 

The compressor capacity should also match air 

consumption by the connected devices. 



Inspection of the machine. 

Never use damaged tools. Inspect the machine, together 

with its instrumentation, before each use.


Inspection of the mounting screws.

Regularly inspect all mounting screws and ensure that they 

are properly tightened. Should any of the screws be loose, 

retighten them immediately. Failure to do so could result 

in serious hazards.


Device lubrication:


Maximum disc diameter - 76 mm. The disc is not included 

in set.

Before installing the grinding wheel:


Inspect the condition of the grinding wheel.


Check the outer appearance for evidence of damage, 

cracks, scratches, chipping and any lost materials. 

It is best to inspect in strong light. If any of the 

mentioned damages occurs, using of the tool is 



Check the grinding wheel markings, especially the 

specified maximum speed, against the speed of the 



Install only the grinding wheels the maximum speed 

is equal to or higher than the grinder spindle speed. 

Never exceed the maximum speed specified on the 

grinding wheel!

Install the grinding wheel with the compressed air isolated 

from the tool!

Having installed the grinding wheel, verify it is secured and 

rotates freely by hand before starting the grinder. Make 

sure that the grinding wheel does not snag against the 

guard or any other component of the grinder.


Rev. 01.02.2022

Rev. 01.02.2022

Содержание MSW-AG6

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