BIOS Setup
MS-9149 ATX Server Board
Set Supervisor/User Password
When y ou select t his functio n, a message as below will appear on the
Type the pass word, up to six c haracters in leng th, and p ress <En ter>.
The password typed now will replace any previously set password from CMOS
memo ry. Yo u will be prompted to confirm the pa ssword. Retyp e the p ass-
word and press <Enter>. You may also press <Esc> to abort the selection and
not enter a password.
To clea r a set passwo rd, just pres s <Enter> whe n you are prompted to
enter the password. A message will show up confirming the password will be
disabled. Once the password is disab led, the s ystem will boot and y ou can
enter Setup without entering any password.
When a password ha s been set, you will be prompted t o enter it every
time you try to enter Setup. This prevents an unauthorized person from chang-
ing any part of your system configuration.
Additionally, whe n a pa ssword is ena bled, you can also have A ward
BIOS to request a p assword each time the system is boot ed. This would pre-
vent una uthorized use of your compute r. The setting to determine when the
password prompt is required is the
Security Option
of the
men u. If t he
Sec urity Opti on
is set t o
Syst em
, t he pas sword is
required both at boot and at entry to Setup. If set to
, password prompt
only occurs when you try to enter Setup.
About Supervisor Password & Use r Password:
Supervisor password:
Can enter and change the settings of
the setup menu.
User pa ssword:
Ca n on ly e nte r bu t do no t ha ve t he
right to change the settings of the setup
Load Fail-Safe/Optimized Defaults
When you select
Load Optimized Defaults
, a message as below appears:
Pres sing
lo ad s th e de fa ult fac to ry s et ting s for o pt imal s ys te m
performan ce.
The two options on the main menu allow users to restore all of the BIOS
settings to the defa ult Fail-Safe or Optimized values. The Optimized Defaults
are the defau lt values set by the mainb oard manufacturer specifically for op-
timal pe rforma nce o f the main board . The Fail-Safe Defau lts a re the defa ult
values set by t he BIOS vendor for stable syst em performance.
When you select
Load Fail-Safe Defaults
, a message as below appears:
Press ing
loa ds the BIOS d efault values for t he mos t stable, min imal
system performance.