BIOS Setup
MS-9149 ATX Server Board
Secondary Slave
=> Compatible Mo de with Serial ATA Port 0 set to Secondary Slave
Logical Primary
=> Co mpatible Mode wit h only Se rial ATA Enabled and Port 0 set to Pri-
mary Master
Logical Secondary
=> Compat ible Mode with on ly Serial ATA Enab led and Port 0 se t to Sec-
ondary Master
Enhance Mo de Port 0 ( Tertiary Master )
=> Enhance Mode with Port 0 set to Native Mode Master
Enhance Mode Port 1 ( Quaternary Master )
=> Enhance Mode with Port 1 set to Native Mode Master
Onboard Device
Press <Enter> to enter the following sub-menu screen.
USB Controller
if your system contains a Universal Serial Bus (USB) con-
troller and you have USB peripherals. Setting options:
Enabled, Disabled
USB 2.0 Controller
Set to
Enab led
if you need to us e any USB 2.0 devic e in the o perat ing
system that does not support or have any USB 2.0 driver installed, such as
DOS and SCO Unix. Setting options:
IDE DMA transfer access
Setting to
will open DMA bus master and execute DMA action in
DOS, which will ma ke the data tra nsfe rrin g faste r. Settings:
Di sab le d,
On-Chip Primary/Secondary PCI IDE
The integrated peripheral controller contains an IDE interface with support
for two IDE channels. Choose
to activate each channel separately.
IDE Primary/Secondary Master/Slave PIO
The four items allow you to set a PIO (Programmed Input/Output) mode for
eac h of the fou r IDE dev ices tha t the onb oard IDE inte rfac e su pports.
Modes 0~4
provid e inc reas ed pe rformance . In
mo de, BIOS aut o-
matic ally dete rmines th e best mo de for ea ch IDE de vice.
IDE Pri mar y/S ec ondary Master/ Slave UDMA
Ultra DMA implementation is possible only if your IDE device supports it
and your ope ratin g env iron ment conta ins a DMA driv er. If b oth y our
hard drive and software support Ultra DMA 33 (or higher), select
t o
enable BIOS support.
**On-Chip Serial ATA Setting**
On-Chip Serial ATA
This setting allows you to detemine how the RAID controller on the south
bridge is going to switch to SATA controller. Options:
Aut o
. When set to [Auto ], BIOS will auto matically swt ich RAID to
SATA and v ice versa. If [Disabled] is selecte d, only SATA controller will
be enabled.
Serial ATA Port 0/ 1 Mode
Select a compatible mode for Port 0 and Port 1 from Award setting to the
chipset settings:
Primary Master
=> Compatible Mo de with Serial ATA Port 0 set t o Primary Master
Primary Slave
=> Compatible Mo de with Serial ATA Port 0 set to Primary Slave
Secondary Master
=> Compatible Mod e with Serial ATA Port 0 set to Secondary Master