BIOS Setup
MS-9149 ATX Server Board
Quick Power On Self Test
The opt ion spee ds up Power On Se lf Te st (POST) after y ou p ower on the
computer. When setting the item to
, BIOS will shorten or skip some
check items during POST. Settings:
First/Second/Third Boot Device
The items allow you to set the sequence of boot devices where BIOS attempts
to load the disk operating system.
Boot Other Device
Set ting t he op tion t o
Enabl ed
allows t he s ystem to t ry t o boo t fro m ot her
devices if the system fails to boot from the 1st/2nd/3rd boot device.
Boot Up NumLock Status
This setting is to se t the Nu m Lock s tatus wh en the s ystem is powered on.
Setting to
will turn on the Num Lock key when the system is powered on.
Settin g to
will allow us ers to u se the arrow keys on the n umeric ke ypad.
Setting options:
Security Option
This specifies the type of BIOS password protection that is implemented. Set-
tings are described below:
This field is used to ena ble o r disa ble t he APIC (Ad vance d Pro gramma ble
Interrupt Controller). Due to compliance to PC2001 design guide, the system is
able to run in APIC mode. Enablin g APIC mode will expand available IRQs
resources for the system. Settings:
MPS Version Control For OS
This field allows yo u to select which MPS (Multi-Proc essor Specification)
version to be u sed for the operating sys tem. You nee d to select the MPS
Advanced BIOS Features
Hard Disk Boot Priority
This setting determines the boot priority of the installed hard disks.
Hyper-Threading Technology
The Intel processor uses Hyper-Threading technology to increase transaction
rates and redu ces end-u ser respo nse times . The te chnology treats th e two
cores inside the processor as two logical processors that can execute instruc-
tions simultaneously. In this way, the system performance is highly improved.
If you disable the function, the processor will use only one core to execute the
instructions. Settings:
Enabled, Disabled.
Enabling the functionality of Hyper-Threading Technology for
your computer system requ ires ALL of the fol lowing pla tform
*CPU: An Intel
4 Processor with HT Technology;
*Chipset: An Intel
Chipset that supports HT Technology;
*BIOS: A BIOS that supports HT Technology and has it enabled;
*OS: An operating system that supports HT Technology.
For more information on Hyper-threading Technology, go to:
Des cription
The password prompt appears only when end users try to
run Setup.
A pa ssword promp t appe ars ev ery time whe n the com-
puter is powered on or when end users try to run Setup.